Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Dr Banks talks about oxygen

Dr Banks came to our last meeting on Friday 20th February and talked at length about oxygen. We all learned so much about how we should be using our oxygen. LTOT (long term oxygen therapy) is, surprisingly enough what it says. For people needing this, the more hours a day they can breathe in oxygen (at least 15 hours), the more benefit they will get. Ambulatory oxygen is, again, surprisingly exactly what it says. It must be breathed while you are active and on your feet - it's no good having a puff to recover once you have got breathless.
It's good to have this reinforced, and thank you Dr Banks for doing so.

Chris Mulholland, head of British Lung Foundation Wales was there as well and she talked to us about the work of BLF Wales, which leads me into our abseil event in April. Please support us and BLF Wales by going to the link to our justgiving appeal at the bottom of this page Thank you !

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